
High Purity K2 (mk4/mk7)

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $60.00.

Our high-purity vitamin K2 provides a potent dose of both MK-4 and MK-7, the most important menaquinones for proper calcium metabolism and more.

10 in stock



Vitamin K2 is an essential fat-soluble nutrient that plays key roles in directing calcium in the body, ensuring that it goes to the correct places and not to the wrong places. It is important that calcium stays in your hard tissues, such as the bones and teeth and that is does not end up in the soft tissues, including the skin, arteries, or organs. In short, vitamin K2 is a key regulator for correct calcium metabolism.

However, that is not all that K2 does, there is surmounting research that shows vitamin K2 possesses many uses and health benefits, including improved insulin sensitivity, fertility health, optimal gene expression, and more.

Benefits & Uses

  • In Pregnancy: While it has been long debated whether or not a mother’s diet effects their babies; or at least the extent to which, there is strong scientific evidence that supports the importance of a healthy maternal diet. Studies have found that breastmilk does indeed reflect microbiota and nutritional status. The diet during pregnancy can effect everything from the microbiota in breast milk to the levels of inflammatory substances like prostaglandins, to essential nutrients like vitamins A, D, and K2. One study observed that when mothers supplement K2 (MK4) while breastfeeding that their baby’s levels of K2 improve. This is important for various reasons that will be explored on this page, such as bone/teeth formation, immunity, and more.
  • History of PUFA Consumption: Th polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich vegetable and seed oils such as corn, canola oil, soybean oil, and others have been found to inhibit vitamin K2 production in the body. If you grew up in the Western world in the last 60 years, chances are you’ve consumed these inflammatory oils. These oils accumulate in the tissues and have a half-life of about 680 days, meaning that it can take up to 8 years to detoxify them from the body. Most people do not consume enough K2, but the consumption of PUFAs makes K2 status worse. It is important to take plenty of K2 if you know you have a history of consuming PUFA.
  • Osteoporosis: A recent study done on postmenopausal women found that the women with the worst cases of osteoporosis had much lower levels of vitamin K2 (MK-7) compared to those without. This is likely due to the fact that K2 helps to lower both prolactin and estrogen. These hormones impair proper calcium metabolism, causing calcium to be mobilized from the bones. In fact, a key reason osteoporosis effects women more than men is due to the fact women produce more estrogen and prolactin. These hormones rise and accumulate with stress and age, making osteoporosis most common in elderly people, and most especially in pregnant, menopausal, and postmenopausal women. However, that doesn’t mean only elderly people or pregnant women should be taking vitamin K2; preventing a disease is far more effective than trying to cure one.
  • Youthful Skin & Bones: Since K2 is needed for the proper deposition of calcium, a deficiency of K2 can lead to not just bone problems, but skin issues as well. When calcium metabolism is inverted, calcium deposits into the soft tissues such as the skin. In other words, the skin and scalp can become calcified, leading to weak, aged, and collagen-deficient skin. Studies have found that MK-4 increases collagen accumulation. It was also confirmed that MK-7 can increase collagen production via osteoblasts. Collagen is essential for healthy flexibility and elasticity in the bones and skin. It is responsible for matrix production, the material on which calcium and other minerals accumulate and give bones and skin their youthful flexibility. Therefore, the proper deposition of calcium into the bone rather than the skin, and the accumulation of collagen are both critical for youthful skin and bone formation.
  • Tooth Decay: The mouth is part of the digestive system, and the teeth are direct, living extensions of this system. In fact, there are direct nerve and circulatory connections between the mouth/teeth and intestines. Naturally, intestinal inflammation is often the culprit for recurrent tooth infections and tooth decay. However, a deficiency in Vitamin K2 can also make our teeth susceptible to decay. A lack of K2 can invert calcium metabolism, but also weaken the immunity within the mouth, causing teeth to lose the ability to defend themselves against bacteria while impairing regeneration and remineralization from the inside. In other words, K2 ensures proper calcification of the teeth, while also enhancing the resilience of the teeth while regulating inflammation. For example, odontoblasts are cells located within the dental pulp and require K2 to function properly. K2 activates osteocalcin, which carries calcium into the hard tissue of the tooth. The odontoblasts, fed by K2 also support the production of antimicrobial proteins and protein messengers that fight infection and recruit white blood cells and regulate inflammatory cytokines that can damage the pulp. Therefore, the dental cells that ensure healthy teeth by driving calcium metabolism, dental immunity, and regeneration are dependent on Vitamin K2. Lastly, vitamin K2 MK-4/7 help prevents inflammation to the pulp, nerves, and gums, and minimizes tartar buildup.
  • Estrogen Regulation: When elevated beyond the levels of progesterone, estrogen can wreak havoc on the body, causing stress hormones like cortisol to elevate, and protective hormones like testosterone to plummet. Although estrogen is important for cell growth and division and is needed in aspects of pregnancy, it is far too easy to have too much. As a hormone that mimics the pathology of stress and most every disease, it needs to be tightly regulated. There are many ways to do this, but one easy way is to supplement K2. Experiments showed that vitamin K2 binds estrogen receptors and decreases the intracellular estradiol: estrone ratio.
  • Post-Antibiotic Use: It is important to supplement vitamin K1 or K2 when you use an antibiotic. Some antibiotics cause the body to produce less of its own vitamin K. Other antibiotics may cause vitamin K to become less effective in the body by impairing absorption.
  • Aspirin Use: Aspirin has many benefits but one downside is it can knock out the clotting mechanism of the body. Taking vitamin K2 can help mitigate any bleeding associated with aspirin use. Take 1 mg of K2 per 325 mg of aspirin.

How to Use

For general purposes, 45 mg of vitamin K2 Mk4 is suggested.

Mk4 has a shorter half-life than Mk7, so a higher dose is needed.

Research has found that 180 mcg/day of Mk7 inhibited bone loss and helped maintain high bone strength in healthy postmenopausal women.

Our High-Purity K2 provides both 10 mg of Mk4 per serving and 200 mcg of Mk7, which gives a therapeutic dose for healthy bone metabolism.

700 drops per bottle

1 serving = 10 drops

10 drops = 10 mg MK-4, 200 mcg MK-7

70 servings per bottle


USP grade vitamin K MK-4
Vitamin K MK-7 (98%)
Organic, unfiltered olive oil

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 2.5 in

3 reviews for High Purity K2 (mk4/mk7)

  1. Isabella

    I thought you need vitamin d as well for k2 to better absorbed?

    • nicksfit

      We have a k2/d3 blend in the works! There are many things that are important for k2 absorption, and ideally a person is getting A, D, E as in their diet as well. Most of our customers follow a diet that is rich in these fat soluble vitamins, but k2 is one of the harder ones to come across unless you eat ample raw dairy, and raw liver, which many do not. So this is why we offer a supplement for it. But keep your eyes peeled for a d3/k2 combination in the near future!

  2. Courtney (verified owner)

    I would caution use. I experience severe migraines when taking this blend. I do not typically have headaches, let alone migraines. I have a clotting disorder, so I’m wondering if there’s a relationship to what I’m experiencing. I know Nick and Noelle’s supplements are some of the best, however, I do not respond well to K2.

    • nicksfit


      Sorry to hear about your experience. I am not sure I would suggest K2 if you have an issue with abnormal clotting as K2 promotes clotting. There is a very delicate balance between bleeding/clotting that needs to be maintained. Typically excessive clotting is followed by excessive bleeding. Estrogen, physical trauma, a K2 deficiency, infection, etc are some causes for excess bleeding. It would make sense that you may get a headache if you have clotting issues and take k2, as anything that would restrict blood flow may restrict cerebral blood flow and cause headaches.

      Something to take into consideration is that many nutrients need to be taken with caution when health is poor. For example, sugar and calcium are not well tolerated in high doses when thyroid function is poor, as the proper utilization of these nutrients are dependant on good thyroid function. Since K2 is closely related to calcium, and plays roles in calcium metabolism, it will be important to first get your body to tolerate calcium well, so you can tolerate K2 better. I would take a look at your thyroid labs and perhaps calcium. See if you can improve thyroid enough to tolerate a higher calcium intake (strive for 1,000-2,000 mg daily eventually), and lower your K2 dose in the meantime. The full 10 drops is probably too much, I would drop it to 1 to start, and try it topically. Hope this helps!

  3. Jeremiah Farias (verified owner)

    Such an easy way for my family to ensure we are getting Vitamin K2, when our dietary intake is not always as consistent! I am grateful for the quality of Nick and Noelle’s supplements! We will Forever be buying from them!

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