The Yolky Drink™ (grass-fed colostrum & egg yolk)

(2 customer reviews)


The Yolky Drink™ is a nutritious powdered beverage mix, formulated to conveniently provide creamy pastured egg yolk and sweet, fluffy grass-fed colostrum for your favorite yolky coffees, lattes, drinks and more.

6 in stock



We’re happy to finally make available to you all, The Yolky Drink!

The genesis of the Yolky Drink idea started on a cozy fall day with the revival of an age-old recipe; a Russian egg-yolk coffee featuring creamy whipped egg yolk, coffee, milk/cream and sugar. Unexpectedly, Noelle re-popularized the traditional recipe, and after receiving some of the feedback, we were inspired with the idea of offering a convenient powdered mix using freeze-dried egg yolks from pasture-raised chickens with the added nutritional boost of grass-fed colostrum. While egg yolks are often readily available, we found out that not everyone has access to high quality eggs, and so the Yolk Drink Mix was born.

Our intended purposes for bringing about the Yolky Drink Mix is both pleasure and nourishment. Its 3 simple ingredients offer a delicious flavor as well as a highly nutritional boost that can be easily added to coffee, latte’s, smoothies, pancakes and more. The Yolky Drink Mix is fully loaded with key nutrients that are essential for good metabolic health, fertility, and more. It is never de-fatted, free of excipients or fillers, and flavored with only the perfect amount of organic Madagascar vanilla bean.

The Health Benefits

The feature ingredients of the Yolky Drink mix are pastured egg yolks and grassfed colostrum. These are two of the richest sources of fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, IGF-1 and more. These ingredients are absolutely vital to supporting a robust metabolism and good healthy. The nutrients in these star ingredients may provide an array of health benefits, including but not limited to:

Fertility: The fertility effects of egg yolks and colostrum were one of the main factors that inspired our personal, regular consumption of them. While many foods can positively impact fertility health, egg yolks and dairy (especially colostrum), are at the top of the list. As we discuss in more detail later, colostrum is the richest dietary sources of IGF-1, which has been found to be at low levels in people with fertility problems (hypogonadism, women struggling to conceive, etc). In fact, studies show that IGF-1 levels strongly effect IVF outcomes. Additionally, egg yolks contain about 39% DV of folic acid and about 46% DV of vitamin B-12, which when combined increase the chance of pregnancy success. Egg yolks also contain choline, which can reduce the likelihood of birth defects is crucial ovarian follicular development.

Antioxidant Effects: The basic biological value of antioxidants is that they allow oxygen to be used productively, rather than destructively. When stress or toxins interfere with the normal, productive use of oxygen, there is an increase in destructive forms of oxidation, which can result in lipid peroxidation, leading to tissue damage/inflammation, lipofuscin (absorption of damaged blood cells), and other issues. There are two main carotenoids in egg yolks that provide antioxidant effects; lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants provide the beautiful, characteristic yellow/orange color that egg yolks have and in their superior bioavailable form, unlike the form  found in vegetables, corn and most supplements. Another antioxidant in egg yolks; iphosvitin, can help reduce problems with oxidizing the iron in the yolks. Iron is an important mineral, but it’s very vulnerable to oxidation inside the body, leading to tissue inflammation. Most supplemental forms of iron can be dangerous because of this; however, the iron in egg yolks is safe from oxidation because it comes packaged with phosvitin and other antioxidants.

Nervous System Health: Egg yolks are an essential source of choline. Not only does choline help in reducing chronic inflammation and levels of homocysteine in the blood, but it is also one of the highest regulators of nervous tissue in your body. Choline is an essential component of acetylcholine, one of the most important neurotransmitters in the nervous system.  Choline is particularly protective for pregnant women and the unborn child as exposure to it in the first 1,000 days of life is essential for supporting normal brain development, inhibiting neural and metabolic insults, and can even protect the fetus from toxic exposure, including alcohol. 1

Fat Soluble Vitamins: Egg yolk nutrition contains over 100% of the recommended daily allowance for each of the essential fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K, all in their superior bio-available form. The data on the beneficial effects of these fat soluble vitamins could fill books, and have. To high-light a few key mechanisms; vitamin A is necessary for the production of every hormone in the body, as it synthesizes with cholesterol to form the mother hormone, pregnenolone, which in of itself offers protection against stress. In particular, vitamin A (retinol), plays a key role in the eyes adaptation to changes in light, for normal bone growth, reproduction, immune system support and thyroid function. Vitamin D is so powerful, its effects closely overlap with the thyroid hormone, so much so Ray Peat himself says, “they work so closely together that you can’t really separate their effects.” In other words, anything thyroid hormone does (energy metabolism, hair growth, immunity, etc,) vitamin D could be attributed to as well. Vitamin E is an powerful antioxidant that helps regulate estrogen through its anti-aromatase effects, supports normal tissue remodeling (prevention of scarring/fibrosis), has strong fertility effects, and can even reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Another key benefit of vitamin E is that it mitigates the effects of polyunsaturated fats on the tissues and cells, which when left unopposed act as the building blocks for inflammatory prostaglandins. Vitamin K2 is essential for proper normal calcium metabolism, and without it, can contribute to bone and tooth loss and the calcification of soft tissues (hardening of arteries, etc). It also supports normal tissue healing, good kidney health and normal clotting/bleeding. Best of all, being rich in essential fatty acids, and generally supporting thyroid function, the fat soluble vitamins in egg yolk support optimal absorb.

Immunity: Some of the more interesting benefits of both egg yolk and colostrum is its effects on anti-viral immunity. Eggs and colostrums are both sources of antibodies and immunoglobulins. In chickens, the developing embryo is stream-lined the mothers immune defenses through various antibodies and immunoglobulins. In mammals, colostrum is the first milk produced postpartum by mammals and is also rich in anti-viral antibodies. Studies have proven that when mothers are exposure to various viruses they both egg yolks and colostrum end up with effective levels of antibodies against the various viruses. In addition to the various antibodies and immunoglobulins, colostrum in particular is rich in lactoferrin; , the bodies natural germ-killer, a protein found in the immune system, and is a common defense against bacterial infections 2 3

Longevity: Perhaps the main benefit of consuming colostrum; which is not discussed enough, is its rich supply of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). The benefits of this one substance are too wide-range to mention all of them. In general, nearly every disease of pathological condition seems to be proportionately advanced and deleterious to inadequate levels of IGF-1. And on the other hand, the higher the levels of IGF-1 being produced by the body, the healthier a person tends to be. For example, studies found that intense stress and malnutrition (underrating, inadequate nutrients) can cut IGF-1 levels in half. Age also appears to be negatively related to IGF-1 levels, suggesting IGF-1 is a youth-related substance. Estrogen dominance or treatment with estrogen can significantly lower IGF-1 levels as well. Even hair loss, baldness and androgenic alopecia are correlated with low levels of IGF-1 and treatment with IGF-1 was found to be an effective stimulator of hair growth. Fortunately, very simple measures can be taken to improve the levels of IGF-1 including, eating enough calories, getting adequate vitamin D, improving liver function, and consuming dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc). In fact, dairy consumption is very closely related to optimal parathyroid and IGF-1 levels. Of the many diary foods, colostrum is one of the richest sources of dietary IGF-1 of all. In fact, IGF-I can have concentrations of 200–2,000 μg/l, whereas normal milk contains <10 μg/l (9). In normal adult humans, IGF-I occurs at a concentration of ∼200 μg/l in serum, making colostrum potentially the most viable dietary supplement for restoring IGF-1 levels. 4 5 6 7 8 9

Skin Health: Both egg yolk and colostrum contain various nutrients that can positively effect skin health. For example, cholesterol applied topically and taken internally helps support smooth, youthful skin by supporting the production of youth hormones and inhibiting the wrinkle-causing effects of stress hormones like cortisol. One study that investigated the biological properties of colostrums found that colostrum favors cell cycle and positively effects primary keratinocytes, making it a viable supplement in the treatment of skin diseases characterized by altered skin cell differentiation and deranged barrier function. 10

How To Use The Yolky Drink Mix

The purpose of the Yolky Drink Mix is to provide a more convenient way to make a delicious Yolky Coffee and other yolky drinks. One scoop provides roughly the equivalent of 1 whole egg yolk, depending size. Additionally, there is 3 grams of grass-fed bovine colostrum for added nutritional benefit and delicious fluffiness.

Making a Yolky Coffee using the Yolky Drink Mix isn’t much different then making it using a raw egg yolk, which was our goal. To start, here is what you’ll need:

  • 8 oz. milk of preference
  • 6 oz. high-quality coffee
  • 1-2 tbsp. sugar of choice
  • 1 scoop Yolky Drink Mix


  1. Brew coffee
  2. In your mug, add 1 scoop Yolky Drink Mix, sugar and 1-2 tbsp of your milk; whisk with spoon or hand frother until it forms a creamy custard. (if you use maple syrup instead of sugar, you won’t need to add your milk here).
  3. Once whipped to perfection, steam the rest of your milk
  4. Slowly pour your coffee into the custard mixture, then slowly add milk

**If you have a strong hand frother and are in a rush, you can basically skip the whipping portion of the Yolky Drink Mix and sugar and just add those in as you would to regular coffee and froth well until creamy. 

For more recipes using the Yolky Drink Mix be sure to checkout Noelle’s highlights on Instagram HERE.

Servings: 30

Container size: 268.6g 

Ingredients: Grass-fed Bovine Colostrum (3g), Pastured Freeze Dried Egg Yolk (5g), Organic Madagascar Vanilla 


Find out what people are saying about the Yolky Drink Mix so far!

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 3.4 × 3.5 × 5.5 in

2 reviews for The Yolky Drink™ (grass-fed colostrum & egg yolk)

  1. ariel.e.franklin (verified owner)

    Mixed, honest review. I was really excited for this. I had no issue making the drinks with raw yolks but wanted something easier and to help get eggs into my kindergarteners diet. He hates them.

    I wish the packaging had a little bit more headspace. I know it comes with a scoop and it was pushed way down and I had to pick it out with a utensil and some product spilled over. A quick solution would be to provide a standard dosing (1 tbsp) for ease until the scoop reveals itself.

    The flavoring is the off putting part. It reminds me of vanilla international house cappuccino mix or the sweetened cereal in lucky charms. I personally think this product could do without flavor. I did not enjoy this in my turmeric or dandelion latte but was indectable in a smoothie or chocolate milk based drink. This is an amazing value after looking at ever internet nook and cranny for FD egg yolks AND colostrom. The price is unbeatable for a 30 day supply of both.

    It mixes well mixing it with sugar and a little liquid before but I have had issues with just dumping it into hot liquid and during a milk steam but not always. It’s a gorgeous color and fluffy as described. I will continue to use this in my kids smoothies but I will probably stick to raw egg yolk unless the flavor is taken out. I’m not hung up on the use of flavor.. I just wish it didn’t sit in my mouth as long and tasted better 🙁

    Please make unflavored!!! I will buy forever.

    • Forever Healthy

      Thank you for your review, we are sorry to hear you don’t like the flavor! We thought it turned out perfectly and were really excited. But taste/flavor is the really tricky part about having products like this, as everyone has this own preferences. We can certainly see about a vanilla free one. In our experimenting with making the product, it seems freeze-drying egg yolk is what is giving the particular flavor I think you are talking about, not the vanilla. And just so you are aware, the labeling may be confusing, and we aren’t sure why it ended up this way with the labeling department, but the “organic flavoring” is just organic Madagascar vanilla bean.

  2. Marla Jourdan (verified owner)

    I bought the yolky drink mix to simplify making daily nourishing drinks for myself and my family. I have a 5 yo, 3 yo and 1 yo plus a picky husband. Although I’ve been happy using raw egg yolks from our chickens to make Noelle’s Yolky drinks for the past several years, I will be taking this mix on vacation and when visiting/staying with family who don’t follow our nutritional philosophy. Also- asking my mother or husband to separate the yolk from the egg white and how to choose the nutritional goodies to make each drink during my postpartum just wasn’t happening. Next postpartum, I will just keep this in stock and it will be so much easier to ask them to use this during that delicate time.

    This is also SUCH a time-saver. I use a scoop and add it to at least one of my various rotation of nourishing drinks:
    Pre-breakfast vanilla cloud, after-breakfast coffee (with 1 scoop KSM-66 ashwaghanda + raw cream + sweetener + pearl+ collagen), Prenatal kefir shakes (raw double fermented kefir, sweetener, berries, cacao, baobab, cinnamon, etc), an
    afternoon Dandy blend latte, and/or a nighttime cacao calm drink. ☕️ 🍵 🥛

    As with most new products, there will be kinks to work out, such as the previous review which comments on not being able to find the scoop (I also gasped at the precious product which flew out of the container upon first opening, but I just slid it right off the counter into my cup). I’ve observed improvements that Nick & Noelle have made in the topical skin products, packaging, etc and trust they take all feedback into account and will make adjustments when they can.

    I am just so appreciative of all they offer, all I’ve learned and how my pregnancy/postpartum/preconception journeys have forever been changed for the better bc of this product and all the other products I’ve used from them.

    I’ve learned so much just from reading the product descriptions and the additional information tabs on this product and all their products. Take the time to read & re-read until it sticks. I keep a tab open to quickly remind myself & reference certain pro-metabolic, postpartum, etc topics! 🤰🏻 🤱🏻

    I will continue to stock my kitchen with this yolky drink mix for its value, convenience, taste, texture and nourishment. And YAY for supporting a small business! 🙌

    Basically, there’s not a reason NOT to buy this. You won’t regret it! ❤️

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