

(27 customer reviews)


Thyro+ is a clinically-formulated bioenergetic supplement, designed to support proper thyroid function and reduce stress.

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Thyro+™ is a clinically-formulated bioenergetic supplement, designed to support optimal thyroid function. Each ingredient serves some direct or indirect mechanism for improving the health of the thyroid. One flaw of standard thyroid supplementation is that it only increases the output of thyroid hormones. Although beneficial, this is only one aspect to proper thyroid function.

Beyond the proper secretion of thyroid hormones, the inactive thyroid hormone (t4 or thyroxine) must be activated and turned into t3 (triiodothyronine). Additionally, the cells and tissues must be receptive to the thyroid hormone, which can be hindered by stress hormones such as cortisol, estrogen, and prolactin as well as free circulating fatty acids.

Thyro+ works systemically, not only improving thyroid hormone production and secretion but also reducing anti-thyroid stress hormones, while inhibiting lipolysis and the liberation of free fatty acids.

At a quick glance, Thyro+ helps to:

  • Increase the production of T4 & T3, while reducing TSH (1)
  • Reduce the anti-metabolic stress hormones cortisol, prolactin and estrogen (2)(3)(4)
  • Support carbon dioxide production by improving cellular respiration
  • Activate thyroid hormone by enhancing the conversion of T4 to T3
  • Synergize with iodine to make thyroid hormones
  • Inhibit lipolysis, lowering free circulating fatty acids and thus allow the cell to better oxidize glucose (5)
  • Balance calcium to phosphorus ratio to reduce parathyroid and prolactin, and increase thyroid function


During hypothyroidism, there tends to be an increased functioning of the adrenal glands, which temporarily increases the metabolic rate to sustain blood sugar, and body temperature. However, this is dependent on the production of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which quickly increase the requirements for many nutrients. If your diet is not extremely nutritious, you are likely to run out of vitamins and minerals. Biotin, vitamin B2, B3, B6, selenium, calcium, magnesium and copper are amongst the first to become deficient. These simple nutrients make up the majority of Thyro+ for this basic reason.

Let’s quickly review each ingredient, and its primary purposes:

  • Organic KSM66 Ashwagandha (600mg): This is an adaptogen herb, which has been extensively researched for its positive effects on the thyroid. It not only is clinically proven to increase T4, T3 and lower TSH, but it corrects a few of the imbalances that cause hypothyroidism. For example, KSM66 ashwagandha can lower cortisol by 22.2% and lower prolactin. Both cortisol and prolactin inhibit proper thyroid function. Cortisol deactivates T3, turning it into rT3. Prolactin tends to increase parathyroid hormone and block the function of the thyroid hormone. Additionally, KSM66 ashwagandha can increase progesterone levels, which opposes estrogen. Estrogen blocks the secretion of thyroid hormone, and progesterone facilitates it. 1,2,3
  • Oyster Extract (500mg): I was excited to be able to find this, since I consider oysters like liver, a non-negotiable food for correcting thyroid problems. Shellfish like oysters contain some of the most essential trace elements for thyroid hormone production and its conversion, specifically zinc, selenium, taurine and copper. These elements are not easily found in other foods. Deficiencies in these nutrients are strongly associated in hypothyroidism. Zinc and selenium are essential for the conversion of T4 into T3. Zinc is also an anti-aromatase, preventing the amortization of androgens into estrogens, which as you know block thyroid hormone secretion. Copper is needed for the thyroid hormone to deliver oxygen into the cell to oxidize glucose and make ATP and CO2. Without these nutrients, proper thyroid function isn’t feasible. We use an oyster extract as a bioavailable, safe, food source of these minerals, which are not safe to take for long periods via isolated, free metal form supplements.
  • Magnesium Glycinate USP (900mg): This form of magnesium bypasses the blood brain barrier and is effective. Magnesium is needed for the proper retention of sodium. Without it, sodium levels are often depleted during stress, which elevates the hormone aldosterone, which stimulates prolactin and suppresses thyroid function. Magnesium has general anti-stress properties and is needed for thyroid hormone activation.
  • Glycine USP (1000mg): Glycine is considered an inhibitory amino acid, working to inhibit the excitatory effects of the amino acids cystine, tryptophan and methionine. Like other inhibitory amino acids, glycogen is a GABA agonist. GABA has a general anti-stress effect, inhibiting the overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. In fact, GABA agonists drugs are commonly used to treat Cushing syndrome (high cortisol disease), and are known to be very effective for lowering cortisol. However, we do not recommend the use of such medications; for many reasons, but especially when you consider the fact that glycine all on its own can acutely lower cortisol by about 20%. According to study, a dose around 75mg/kg of glycine was found to lower the glycemic response in humans by more than 66% without changing insulin levels. In general, anything that acutely lowers cortisol, usually lowers blood sugar, since during stress, cortisol will maintain blood sugar temporarily. So in theory, if you weigh 100 lbs. you will need about 3,150 mg of glycine to have this sort of cortisol-lowering effect of glycine. Since Tyro+ contains other cortisol-lowering ingredients, we figured this dose range should suffice. 5
  • Calcium Carbonate (1000mg): This is the most natural form of calcium, the kind that is found in nature. Calcium is one of the most important elements for proper thyroid function, and something many people are actually deficient in. Due to misunderstandings around calcium, people have been lead to believe that calcium causes osteoporosis, kidney stones and heart attacks. People with arthritis, scleroderma, calcified arteries, kidney stones or any abnormality where calcium deposits cause pain have been told to avoid foods rich in calcium. However, the truth is that calcium deposits in soft tissues become worse when the diet is low in calcium. In fact, during stress, or nutritional deficiencies in magnesium, vitamin E, or K2, the body pulls calcium from the hard tissues and deposits it into the soft tissues. When this occurs, hyperparathyroidism tends to set in. Low calcium stimulates the production of the hormone prolactin and parathyroid, both which interfere with thyroid function, leading to inflammation and hypothyroidism. As a matter of fact, any time that the calcium level is chronically higher than phosphorus, there is an increased functioning of both parathyroid hormone and prolactin. Therefore, most hypothyroid people are in great need of not just calcium and but also magnesium. Since all foods contain phosphor, maintaining an ideal calcium to phosphorus ratio is best achieved through calcium supplementation or consuming quality dairy, well-cooked leafy greens or egg shell powder.
  • Niacinamide USP (150mg): Also known as vitamin B3, this derivative of niacin works to inhibit excessive lipolysis and the liberation of free fatty acids. The FFAs inhibit the transport of thyroid hormone and the cells receptiveness to them. Niacinamide has a general pro-respiratory effect and supports oxidative phosphorylation (thyroid-driven metabolism).
  • Vitamin B6 – P5P USP (10mg): Without vitamin B6, the thyroid cannot convert iodine and tyrosine efficiently into the thyroid hormones. This vitamin is needed even more by people with “t3 syndrome”, who have “normal” T4 and TSH but do not convert T4 into T3. Muscle weakness, fatigue, and lethargy are common signs of a B6 deficiency in hypothyroid people. Furthermore, the activated form of vitamin B6; also known as pyridoxal-5-phosphate is a glucocorticoid “receptor” antagonist. In fact, supplementation of P5P has been shown in vivo studies to reduce serum cortisol, as well as, reverse conditions caused by high cortisol such as stress ulcer, metabolic syndrome, and others. Keep in mind, hypercortisolism is a contributing factor to hypothyroidism. 4
  • Biotin USP (1mg): Biotin is often depleted during stress and hypothyroidism, along with other b vitamins. Experiments even find that taking a thyroid medication is ineffective without proper b vitamin intake. Other studies shows that people with autoimmune conditions that take high doses biotin find it increases their T4 and lowers their TSH levels. However, biotin does not increase conversion of T4 into T3, which is why Thyro+ contains the other essential nutrients for that conversion. Biotin likely works by acting as a potent anti-estrogen. 5
  • Riboflavin-5-Phosphate/B2 USP (15mg): B vitamin deficiencies are hallmark features of hypothyroid persons. Generally speaking, studies have found that people with hypothyroidism, even when taking thyroid medication, do not improve until their B vitamin levels are also improved. Specifically speaking, studies have found that B2-deficient women have significantly lower thyroxine levels. While all of the b vitamins are crucial to thyroid function (hence why Thyro+ contains several), B2 is for keeping Biotin in balance.

All ingredients are USP grade or organic where applicable. 

Best results if taken as a supplement to the dietary and lifestyle recommendations in the Perfect Thyroid course.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.**

Consult with primary care physician before use if pregnant or nursing. Keep out of reach of children.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 5 in

27 reviews for Thyro+™

  1. Erika M. (verified owner)

    I have been taking thyro+ for a month and felt the difference within one week! I am sweating more efficiently, my horomonal acne cleared within 3 weeks and I generally just feel overall better than I have in a very long time!

  2. Martina (verified owner)

    Wow the energy I get from this was evident from the first day. As a mom of a 3 month old and 18 month old, I found myself needing an energy boost frequently but after starting this I have energy that is sustained throughout the day. I feel like I my thoughts are clearer and mood is improved too. Wonderful product! Need to stock up on more!

  3. Maya

    My thyroid has always been slightly under active. Though I didn’t experience major hypothyroidism symptoms I wanted to give thyro+ a try. First unlike the thyroid medication prescribed by physician this one doesn’t have any hormones . I see this more as a nutritional supplement. I must say that I started seeing changes in as little as 2 weeks. More energy, better skin and overall felt great. Thyro+ is definitely a great addition to many other things suggested by Noelle for better metabolism.

  4. maya

    My thyroid has always been slightly under active. I didnt suffer from major hypothyroidism symptoms. Unlike the thyroid medication prescribed by physicians thyro+ does not contain hormones to correct the condition. It is more like a nutritional supplement to improve metabolism. That is why wanted to give it a try. In less than 2 weeks I was able to see a difference. More energy, better skin – my jawline acne has been healing really well and overall felt better. Thyro+ is definitely a good addition to all that Noelle has been recommending for a healthy metabolism.

  5. Kate (verified owner)

    Not only is customer service with them thoughtfully and wonderfully handled, the product is amazing. Within one week I already can tell how much this works and stress free of worrying about potential side effects as I would with previous prescriptions that are riddled with toxic chemicals or improperly sourced ingredients. Cannot thank Noelle enough for the impact on my health already. 100% going to be a lifetime customer.

  6. Julia Conatser (verified owner)

    These are amazing. They have helped me feel so calm and balanced. I hope they come back in stock soon I ran out!

  7. M

    NEVER able to purchase. Always sold out. Are you guys letting people stick pile them? If you only make limited quantities please do not let people purchase more than two bottles at a time. I spend my weekends refreshing the link only to miss out every time. Won’t be trying again.

    • nicksfit

      Hi Mary! I am sorry to hear about your issues with purchasing. We do have a set limit for 2 per person, it is just a very popular product because it works! we batch drop the product because we actually make it ourselves with our own equipment and do not manufacture. We do this because we are able to use all USP grade, and top quality ingredients, something most manufactures won’t do. Unfortunately, it is a very time intensive process doing it ourselves, so we have limited stock. But we feel the trade off of doing it ourselves, with the help of friends and family, for a higher quality product, vs large scale manufacturing is a worthwhile trade off!

  8. Rosie Dee (verified owner)

    I’m so incredibly grateful for Thyro+ in this last trimester of pregnancy. I’ve had mild Hyperemesis gravidarum for my entire pregnancy and this has significantly decreased the nausea to the point that I hardly need my nausea medication! It also makes a considerable difference in my energy, enough to finish all the birth prep things! Thank you!!

  9. Sarah Kennon (verified owner)

    I’ve been working to restore my metabolism for almost 6 months. While I have felt improvements along the way, taking Thyro+ and Progest+ was the straw that broke the camels back. Within a week of taking the supplements my hair started to grow back. I’m almost finished with my bottle and I have a half inch of hair peaking out under my hair line. Additionally, I feel younger. I’ve had 3 kids in the past four years and I felt 80 two years ago… now I feel young and energetic and more fluid, like I’m 25 again.

  10. Sarah Fischer (verified owner)

    I adore Thyro+. I was diagnosed with stage 4b cancer last summer (I’m in my mid 30’s) and it’s been a nightmare to find clean supplements that work. I literally choose buying these items over groceries, they’re that important- so my skin isn’t on fire and I don’t feel like I’m waiting for death.
    I’ll literally dive for my bag and rush to buy w/e I hear has come back in stock. I gave my sister my Thyro+ bc I think she thought I was exaggerating. Now, she can’t go w/o it. I LOVE Thyro+ & everything on this website🤍

  11. Ashlee Forc

    Can you send an email when they are restocked ?! I’m very curious and would love to try but every time I go to look they’re out of stock.

    • nicksfit

      Hello Ashlee, we restock Thyro+ every Sunday at 2 pm EST!

      It goes VERY quickly, so get there on time.

      We will be producing more in the very near future, so you shouldn’t have an issue getting it!

  12. Michelle (verified owner)

    this has really been helping me get back in balance. My libido went from dead to on fire!! the only reason I took a star off is because its NEVER in stock when I need it, when a company has inconsistent stock it makes it really hard to consistently reap the benefit from such a incredible product. I wish the company would produce more because obviously the demand it out there.

  13. Melissa Tingley (verified owner)

    Unresponsive customer service and the product is never in stock. I’ve been waiting for over two weeks for this supplement to come back and nothing. I check literally every day.

    On top of that, when I first ordered the supplements, I had to follow up THREE times regarding my order and inquiring on the ship date. Nobody ever responded, but the supplements finally shipped about two weeks later. Unacceptable for a health supplement. How are you supposed to rely on this? Nobody responds to you and it’s not consistently restocked. I saw in other reviews that the supplement is supposedly restocked on Sundays, but that’s simply untrue as of now. I understand this is a small family business, but this lack of communication and follow through proves this product and business to be unreliable. As awesome as the ingredients are, I won’t be returning unless things change for the better.

    • nicksfit


      Thyro+ is our most popular product, and is made in house using our own equipment to insure ALL USP grade ingredients and ensure zero fillers and other excipients. It is very labor intensive; therefore, we have a limited amount and only release it on Sunday at 2pm EST, in which it sells out within 10 minutes. We announce the restocks each Sunday on our Instagram too!

      Regarding customer service, my guess is you are emailing the wrong email. Our Instagram contact button, as well as the contact on our website is the correct customer service email ( We answer emails Monday through Friday, and never leave an email unanswered! Not sure how, but it seems some people email the wrong email.

      If you email us at the right email we will always respond within 24hours unless placed on a Saturday or Sunday.

      We have recently updated our output of thyro+ So acquiring it should be a lot easier if you aren’t able to get to the website on Sundays at 2pm EST.

  14. Lauren

    I will add more stars if I ever get to try this. Looking forward to you making more and not being out of stock 6 days a week, every week.

    • nicksfit


      Thyro+ is our most popular product, and is made in house using our own equipment to insure ALL USP grade ingredients and ensure zero fillers and other excipients. It is very labor intensive; therefore, we have a limited amount and only release it on Sunday at 2pm EST, in which it sells out within 10 minutes. We announce the restocks each Sunday on our Instagram too!

      Regarding customer service, my guess is you are emailing the wrong email. Our Instagram contact button, as well as the contact on our website is the correct customer service email ( We answer emails Monday through Friday, and never leave an email unanswered! Not sure how, but it seems some people email the wrong email.

      If you email us at the right email we will always respond within 24hours unless placed on a Saturday or Sunday.

      We have recently updated our output of thyro+ So acquiring it should be a lot easier if you aren’t able to get to the website on Sundays at 2pm EST.

  15. Kezia Bernard-Nau (verified owner)

    Firstly I find it insane that people are giving these products bad reviews because it’s always sold out!! What?!! They are a small family business, it won’t be perfect but to give them a review and it not be on the product is just plain crazy.

    I LOVE their products!!! The thyro and oysters combined helped to heal my stress induced eczema. I am so grateful to these two. Their course also helped heal my fertility . If I could give more stars I would!!!

    Trolls begonnne! They are doing loving work here.

  16. Lauren (verified owner)

    First off, the bad reviews because this product is sold are BS. Review a product if you’ve tried it. Period. They restock on Sundays and cap it at two bottles per person.

    This supplement is amazing. I’m postpartum and it has given me the energy I had before I was pregnant. I notice a big difference if I go without this.

    I’ve never had an issue with shipment or customer service.

  17. Paige

    I haven’t tried this product yet but I’m ordering it now. I use and LOVE many of your other products and cannot believe that people are leaving bad reviews because this stuff is so good that it doesn’t stay in stock. Unbelievable. Keep up the good work!

  18. Stacey Diehl (verified owner)

    This is the first supplement I’ve ever taken that I can actually say works. I believe it helped me get pregnant after a long battle and I started growing new patches of hair on my head- something I didn’t know was possible. I look forward to taking it again and being more diligent about not running out of it in my house. I’m about to give birth for the first time and I refuse to be another depleted, depressed mom who doesn’t love being a mom. Thank you for this lifeline❤️❤️

  19. Julie Richards

    Any product whose buyers only complaint is that it is “always out of stock” deserves 5 stars. As you will see below the only complaint is that people cannot get enough fast enough, most from people who haven’t even tried it. Not about the ingredients or the quality. And those who have tried it say it works fabulously, they just wish it was in stock more. I can attest the products are quality as someone who has actually tried them.

  20. MOliver (verified owner)

    I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroid with only my TSH # and I suspect it’s postpartum related so I decided to try to treat it naturally rather than with the typical thyroid meds prescribed by doctors. I don’t have any of the typical symptoms other than sudden anxiety starting at 4 months postpartum which is typically the onset timeline of post partum thyroiditis.
    I started taking thyro+ and took it everyday for 7 days. I started to feel incredible. My anxiety was almost gone. I went 2 days without it and my anxiety was back with a vengeance. I’m convinced thyro+ is working for me and I will take it religiously from now on.
    I will update this review in a couple months when I’ve been on it longer but as of now, I’m HOOKED!

  21. Hannah Sorma (verified owner)

    Does anyone know how to take this? Like best time of day? With or without food etc?

    • nicksfit


      There are instructions on the label. We suggest 6 capsules with food. Time of day is up to you. We suggest doing a little research on the basics of thyroid and metabolism to help with your experimentation. For example, one thing to know is that metabolism peaks mid day and corresponds with the circadian rhythm. In other words, when the sun is at its peak, so it the metabolic rate. This means metabolism and thyroid hormones tend to be lowest when first waking and at night. These may be ideal times to take Thyro+. Some people will do better at other times depending on their overall hormonal balance. Thyroid hormone is needed for protecting the body against nighttime stress hormones. Taking thyro+ in the evening may be a good strategy for this. While cellular energy is essential for inhibiting excitation and thereby supporting relaxation for rejuvenating nights sleep, it may be too energizing for some. In this case, it may be best used in the morning. Experimentation is key!

  22. caterose94 (verified owner)

    I’ve been using this product almost two weeks now, and I believe I do feel better..

    I don’t have question, though. Is it safe to use while pregnant?

  23. Sophie Altendorf (verified owner)

    I think this stuff is magic?! I had a short luteal phase and spotting before my cycle. I started Thyro+ for just one month and I didn’t even take it consistently and I have already seen a drastic change. Full luteal phase, no spotting, less stress, fewer pms, and shorter lighter period. Unreal. Now I don’t know what I’ll do without the stuff!

  24. Mikaela Dowdall (verified owner)

    I love this!!! I have suffered with amenorrhea and it’s been a longggg journey of years trying to find the root cause. My docs wanted to prescribe me thyroid medication and my intuition was like “noooo”. I came across Noelle’s instagram and have a few friends who also adore her work. I also purchased a few skincare items I need to review and love. ANYWAYSSSS I started this thyroid supp last month and got a full on, GOOD period this month!!! I really believe this helped make that happen! It feels amazing to have my body functioning better like it should. Thank you SO much! I will order more when it’s in stock!

  25. nahpsv (verified owner)

    Love the consistent and clean energy boost that Thyro+ gives me. I usually take 4 daily vs the 6 and it seems to work fine for me. If I know that I’m going to have a “harder” day physically or need an extra boost, I take the recommended 6. Could not recommend this product more!

  26. Whitney McMillon (verified owner)

    I decided to try THYRO+ for the first time as a newly postpartum mom and I am SO thankful I did. I take it at night with dinner because ashwaghanda makes me really sleepy and calm. Beyond sleeping well, THYRO+ has helped regulate my weight postpartum, gives me energy and focus, and helps my mood! I can also tell a big difference in my hair, skin, and nails. I swear after taking this for about a month, my outer eyebrows started coming in fuller. Highly recommend such an amazing product!

  27. Hannah Wilkerson (verified owner)

    I took this supplement prior to getting pregnant last year! Had my baby and quit taking – went straight into exclusively breastfeeding 11 months and suddenly got diagnosed with gallbladder dysfunction, IBS, low T3 and now having joint pain/anxiety/depression symptoms. I am wondering if all of this is connected and high considering buying this again and implementing some lifestyle changes. I am wondering if this will help increase my T3 and ultimately help heal my gallbladder and IBS??

    • Forever Healthy

      It may be! You wouldn’t be the first to share a story like this. We have had many women struggle to get pregnant, take thyro+ and become pregnant. Also, many women report when taking it they don’t experience postpartum symptoms. A way to verify could be to measure thyroid hormone levels before taking it then again after 8 weeks of use and see if it’s having a good effect.

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